

-DRD- The Cemetery - Complete - : (deathrowdesigns) new!!!
-DRD- The Cemetery - Graves Vendor
-DRD- The Cemetery - Walls 
-DRD- The Cemetery - Angel Statue -  One Soul Less
-DRD- The Cemetery - Angel Statue -  Those We Love 
-DRD- The Cemetery - Angel Statue -  Walks In Beauty
-DRD- The Cemetery - Tomb - Henderson 
-DRD- The Cemetery - Tomb - Williams
-DRD- The Cemetery - Tomb - Bennet 
*DRD's new The Cemetery
*Here is FAT selling, single item selling, DEMO is put in the store.
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

LB_BlackTree{Animated}_Box : (Cari McKeenan)  SALEM EVENT
Tree that fits the period of Halloween🌲

Items are still on the event destination.
*Little Branch's store LM ☞ here
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

white river co. - ghostly gift : (Darling Monday)
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

[DDD] Agonizing Skull Pile : (anke.hatchuk)
[DDD] Creeping Fog

[ Focus Poses ] Cemetery Graves Backdrop : Hello Tuesday (matheusthato)
*I use it as the base of the graveyard.

*These items include new items,The thing used for decoration is described.
I make my own notes m(_ _"m)

👻Welcome to the graveyard👻
- DRD - The Cemetery - is a new item of.
The graveyard is scary, lonely, dark, spiritual spot etc.
there is an image.
Ancestor slept and visited a grave.
Behind me ... Ψ(`∀´)Ψヶヶヶ

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