

tram F1226 hair : hair (moca Loup) 💗
JfL Wide brim Fedora hat (hipster) khaki : (Johnfrancis Laville)new 6color unisex 🎩
The color you choose is, what color???
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

Glam Affair - Natalia Applier ( Catwa  ) Jamaica - After Party : 1.27FLFpast (aida.ewing)

.miss chelsea. Dion Dress Army : 1.27FLF past... (coral.lacey)
.:villena:. - Off Shoulder Bomber - Black : (villena.swansen)
GATO LittleDot Stockings Black Maitreya Body applier : SaNaRae gacha (Lalu Bonetto)
11 color! ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
:PARKER: James.Chucks.BROWN : Epiphany gacha (piter.redstar)

MG - Necklace - Love Catcher Heart-:  (Maxi Gossamer)

[ keke ] still falling leaves - orange : TCF (kean.kelly) Coming soon 🌳

JIAN Love Pugs 9. Companion Dark Fawn BOX: The Gacha Garden (jiansl)
JIAN Love Pugs 11. Companion Dark BOX
JIAN Love Pugs 12. Wanderer Light Fawn BOX
JIAN Love Pugs 13. Wanderer Dark Fawn BOX
JIAN Love Pugs 14. Wanderer Brindle BOX

HPMD* Dirt Road - all colors : (yuyu.flores)
Only those items that the newly GET, described. memo...

When the weather in winter is good ☀☀☀
Play outside with pets 🐶
The sun that leaks out of the tree is dazzling.