

.Tableau Vivant  Low pony - Blonds (unpacked) :  new hair Collabor88(M4ri1yn Magic)
.Tableau Vivant  Lelutka HB1 - Blonds  :  Collabor88 (M4ri1yn Magic)

(NO) CrissCross Bralette - Pink - : Collabor88 (Nylon Pinkney)
-Pixicat- Sporty.Shorts (White) : Collabor88 (areve)
::K:: Beach Towel Femme : (Kitt Ragu)

{Imeka} Bag with apples : Collabor88 (NatiWilliams)
{Imeka} Bottle with natural juice : Collabor88 (NatiWilliams)
{Imeka} Masami - Pose Pack : (NatiWilliams)

Sari-Sari - Home Gym : Collabor88 (AbbyAnne)
Sari-Sari - Gym Locker
Sari-Sari - Resistance Bands Shelf
Sari-Sari - Wall Bench
Sari-Sari - Yoga Mat Shelf
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

Location : Exercise room.....Steady efforts
Air_Star twig_gold_CM* : The Seasons Story (aslan.kish)
Sari-Sari - Duck Bucket Trolley (White Enamel) : (AbbyAnne)
Furniture...New item, furniture is my memo.<(_ _)> 
I exercise and sweat nice.('〇';)
I ate too much rice cakes in New Year.🎍
I am afraid to get on a health meter. (((=_=))).....lol
My body lacking exercise
Tomorrow will surely cause muscle pain.... ((´∀`))