#taketomiWEST - Kendall - : new hair (bella.earst)
::c.A.:: Fabiola *Blue* : The Kawaii Project (yukachoco.magic) new 4color
The color you choose is, what color???
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
.:villena:. - Over Shoulder Blazer - Charcoal : ~uber~September(villena.swansen)
GATO- Prefall Collection FATTY : Shiny Shabby gacha (Lalu Bonetto)
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
#10 Blueberry - Secret / COMMON / Boots - Maitreya - Sky : The Epiphany (blueberryxx)
.:M.LAW.: Cafe Gazebo bench three : Shiny Shabby gaxha (Marcelo Law)
SEUL - Unboxed Bag - Navy Croc : The Epiphany gacha (Vo Pralou)
:CP: Asher's Hayride Light Pot : The Epiphany gacha (Isla Gealach)
BUENO-Standup Player-Wood : The Epiphany gacha (Mikel Monk)
furniture +My notes....."φ(・ェ・o)~memo
Promise of dating today!
Preparation was able.
However. . . .
The appointed time has passed.
COME━━━ (° ∀ °) ━━━ !!
Smile is the face of joy.☺