

*MY UGLYDOROTHY -2012 April group gift :SKIN
TRPH2 #23 Dura : hair
Fashioncentric Hunt Gift from :: ZEPHYR ::   MESH Headband - Hi5 Hunt

:pesca:antique lace T beige : ZombiePopcorn
{SMS} Pocket Dress Beige
(Milk Motion) my boyfriend jeans
(fd) Buckle Heels (Clam)
Izzie's - Long Flower Necklace black : gacha(20L$)
Izzie's - Faceted Wood Bangles yellow : gacha (20L$)
:pesca:chained bag gacha quilt9 : gacha (40L$)
Black white  illustration bag *Tea Time*

Location : +++Black Hills Forest +++(Zoo World)


-CandyDoll- Araceli(SKIN)
BP* summer braid /MAY2009 :hair old...
Meriken Co. Straw hat Plain : free gift 

:::LP::: Obey Peace Girl Top : fi*Fridays
!IC- Skinny Pants Silver MESH :  The Grunge Soul Project
[AB] Viper Sock Fishne
MDL - Cat Flats Red -April'12 Group Gift : Flats CUTE
[EY:NO] Groupgift (April) : Butterfly (yellow)& glove ( yellow)
{*I <3FashiOn*} Harmless Earring&Necklace
:::LP::: Spring Is Here! : hunt Ring!!!
*League* Wanderer Bracelet -Wrist (6 Strands) 
;:;:izm.:::7 tex change side bag
 *!t :: Auntie Bag kirinBAG

Location :  In the Mood for 2046