tram F1107 hair : new hair (moca Loup) unisex
Izzie's - LeLutka - Applier Face Snow : Tannenbaum (Izzie Button)
*Izzie's - Snow Lashes (mesh/alpha)+Izzie's - Snow Mesh Layer (cheeks & nose)
BodyLanguage SLC BENTO AO Kawaiiholic : )The Kawaii Project (manmoth Nishi)
AMERIE - Short Parka(LightGray) : CCB (amerie.spitteler) new 4color
AMERIE - Workout Leggings(A) : CCB (amerie.spitteler) new A~H 8color
AMERIE - Waist Shirt : CCB (amerie.spitteler) Waist Shirt Texchange HUD 20color
The color you choose is, what color???
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
fri. - Piper.Boots (Tombstone) : (Darling Monday)
MadPea WPF Neil Hamstrong (wear)- RARE : past gacha
MadPea WPF Porky von Schweinburg (wear) : past gacha
Location : MY HOLIDAY CAFE GRRDEN (winter)☕
【Furniture】[[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE Gacha : The Arcade Gacha (ryo.ixxel)
27 to collect (2 rare)
2 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Holiday music box RARE
3 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Old Bike set
4 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE Lights
5 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Wrapping paper shelf
6 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Casher (touch)
7 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Cup set
8 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Candy display
9 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Candles
10 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Cookie set
11 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Reindeers (A)
12 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Reindeers (B)
13 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Side table (Red) set
14 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Side table (Green) set
15 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE- Wood Chest
16 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Paper Bag set
17 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Shoes ornament
18 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE- Holiday Poster (Christmas)
19 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Chair (Green)
20 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Chair (White)
21 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Table (Black)
22 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Table (Red)
23 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Table (Green)
25 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Wagon (Red)
26 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Custard pudding
27 [[RH]] HOLIDAY CAFE-Strawberry pudding
[[RH]] Snowman ARCADE REWARD !!!
[[RH]] No more sledge !! (Touch) ARCADE Season Gift
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
Izzie's - Snow Covered Fence : new (Izzie Button) 3 color ❆Fence❆
Only those items that the newly GET, described. m(_ _"m)
At the end of November,
BENT 's hand is now on sale.
The viewer was the official viewer beta version.
Try DEMO ,,,
A beta version of FS comes out and buys it! Determination
And in December, it is a big gacha event.
Today, I finally set up an official viewer to shoot.
The hand of BENT operates with a new official viewer.
SL is progressing day by day.
I can not catch up !!!! ε=ε=ε= 。・゜(゜ノT-T)ノ