

tram I0710 hair : Collabor88 (moca Loup)
*Berry Short❥❥❥

*star hair ornament9 color changeable.You can remove the star hair ornament.
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

-Belleza- Camilla Makeup 2 FLF Lelutka Applier : (shyla.diggs)
!The things I used are for events. There are original products.

Izzie's - Mermaid Make-Up Set :(Izzie Button)
*Catwa.LeLutka.LAQ Omega.Genus.Appliers 
*15 colors can be changed
Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales : (Izzie Button)
*Belleza.Maitreya.Omega Evolved.Appliers 
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

:ANDORE: - :Mesh Ears: - Alatar : (rcovar)

CURELESS[+] Galaxias Cinched Bodysuit : (kaorinette)
*9 color single item sale, FAT pack sale
*Sexy Bodysuit emphasizing female style😍
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪
CUREMORE / Love Thief gacha : (kaorinette)
CUREMORE / Love Thief / Harpy Legs  / RARE
ANTINATURAL[+] Post-Human / Monsterhand PINK / MAITREYA : gacha (kaorinette)
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪

MINIMAL - Travel Scene : (ors.quan)

Soy. Pinned Astronomy Wall Decor : Collabor88 (soyoy)

[PR] Sparkles Sunlight : Enchantment (sakusuki.solo)

Fashiowl - Dober - : pose&Doberman (goizane)...60L$ Happy Weekend new

*These items include new items,The thing used for decoration is described.
I make my own notes m(_ _"m) 
I will return to my home star.
Is it such an image!😜