

tram I0510 hair : new hair ~ uber ~ May event products (moca Loup)
*Long soft wave hair❥
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

Sari-Sari - Let's Play Ball : new Summerfest 2019 (AbbyAnne)🎽
*New basketball uniform. new 8colors
*Sari-Sari - Let's Play Ball LARA (All)👉(TRIM.SHIRT.SHORTS.Color change is possible)
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
Sari-Sari - Basketball (bento) : new pose Summerfest 2019 (AbbyAnne)⛹️
*basketball pose 6 poses
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

Bleich - Chunky Alex : (Samanta Bleich)..... LIMITED EDITION USA
*There are different colored products in the store. unisex👟
[Bad Unicorn] Basketball Gym Skybox : (badunicorn)

Sari-Sari - Home Gym :  (AbbyAnne)
・Sari-Sari - Gym Locker
・Sari-Sari - Resistance Bands Shelf
・Sari-Sari - Wall Bench
・Sari-Sari - Wall Bench
Sari-Sari - Gym Ball Storage Cart : (AbbyAnne)
I am changing the ball to basketball for editing.
*Sari-Sari - Basketball (rez).Sari-Sari - Basketball Hoop (rez) It contains.
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

Other items
NOMAD // Cosplay Lockers : (piraiyah.novikov)
[Con.] Displays - Basketball : (ValiantCo)...Passed item

*These items include new items,The thing used for decoration is described.
I make my own notes m(_ _"m)

Sari-Sari - Let's Play Ball ....What color is your team color?↴↴↴
Japanese first round nomination (八村塁) with NBA draft
It became Happy news in Japan.📺
Will I be selected on the SL draft?
I am only height 155 cm tall (笑)