tram G0904 hair : new hair (moca Loup) 💗
tram G0823 hair / HUD-Hairpin 13colors
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪
NYU - Apocalypse Seifuku : Lootbox gacha (nyunyu.kimono)
NYU - Apocalypse Seifuku, DirtClassic
NYU - Apocalypse SeifukuSkirt, DirtDark
NYU - Apocalypse Haruta, DirtBrown
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
Izzie's - Knee Wounds : Knee Wounds 4 types (Izzie Button)
AITUI - Woodlust Bag - Crime Scene RARE : PocketGacha (jesseaitui.petion)
Le Poppycock *School Days* A・B : ULTRA (Olivia Lalonde) new pose
There is a type to put the desk.(With pose)
It is useful when creating a classroom 😻
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
DaD DESIGN "SOHO Industrial Loft-skybox" : ULTRA (sheerpetal Roussel) new
SOHO loft / skybox is an industrial loft of live / work space.
Skybox decorates with your favorite style.
It is a large space. I made a classroom.∬´ー`∬ウフ♪
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
DaD DESIGN Birch Trees Forest - pack of 6 forest- V.3.0 : (sheerpetal Roussel)
Zen Creations Industrial Wall Lamp : (Zhoie Zimermann) new
Zen Creations Plant Holder Scale Set : (Zhoie Zimermann) new
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪
[NO CONCEPT] leather sofa2 1seater : TMD (arinco)
[NO CONCEPT] leather sofa2 2seater
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
Mutresse-MakeUpPro-Just Kids RARE : The Arcade Gacha (Eeky Cioc)
Mutresse-Singer-Just Kids
Mutresse-Designer-Just Kids
Mutresse-Hungry-Just Kids
(NO) CATctus - Teeny Stack : The Arcade Gacha (Polyester Partridge)
(NO) CATctus - The Artist RARE
HIDEKI - B/W Desk Set - RARE : gacha (Hideki Carami)
TBF Message Blackboard v1 : here (Arduenn Schwartzman)
Only those items that the newly GET, described. memo...
I skipped school.🏫
I will receive supplementation.📓
Children at daycare daycare,
The children came upstairs.
Child A: "Let's play together."
Child B: "Please take snacks"
Child C: "Lazy MINAMI.I will not play together. "
MINAMI: 。・゜゜・(>_<;)・゜゜・。