

lock&tuft - jude : hair (alyxxbanks) unisex
Glam Affair - Molly - Catwa Mesh Head Applier - America : The Arcade (aida.ewing)

NYU - Loose ShortSleeve Tee : Fameshed (nyunyu.kimono) new 8color
NYU - Loose Denim Jumper : Fameshed (nyunyu.kimono) new 8color
The color you choose is, what color???
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪
fri. - Nellie Sandals (Tombstone) : The Arcade Gacha (Darling Monday) new 8colors
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
*katat0nik* (light / right) Male Street Artist Gloves RARE : gacha (katat0nik.pidgeon)
*katat0nik* (light / left) Male Street Artist Gloves RARE

The Arcade Gacha
Mutresse-Planner-Mr FixIt : (Eeky Cioc)
Mutresse-Clumsy-Mr FixIt
Mutresse-Wounded-Mr FixIt
Mutresse-Falling-Mr FixIt
Mutresse-Safety-Mr FixIt

Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Journal (Bavaria) RARE
Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Retro Fan (Pink)
Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Retro Fan (Teal)
Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Lemon Juice
Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Lemon Juice

JIAN Cheeky Chihuahuas 7. Tan Wanderer : (jiansl)

Zen Creations Bean Bag Chair (Adult) : (Zhoie Zimermann)
Zen Creations  Metallic Wood Candles 
Zen Creations Happiness is Homegrown
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪
Trompe Loeil - Octopus Table Marble Pink : gacha (cory.edo)
Only those items that the newly GET, described. memo...

Item introduction :outfit
Item introduction : Furniture
Along with Mr FixIt, Wikipedia
I disturb everyone's work.
Prank on a paint mischief (・_・)r鹵~<巛巛巛