

[taketomi]_Eulalia_ : hair The Kawaii Project (bella.earst)
. Quirky . - Steamer Headband - Cream - Small : The Kawaii Project (glitch.grantham)

GizzA - Absinthe Dress [Black] : Black Fashion Fair (Giz Seorn)
GizzA - Absinthe Legging Dress [Black] : Black Fashion Fair (Giz Seorn)
REIGN.- RISSA PLATS- BLACK :  (kenadeecole)
.Identity. Body Shop - Breakthrough III : Lubbly Jubblies (Melissa Hindrabar)
:Moon Amore: Sol & Luna Hand Tattoo : (psyqueen)
.Figure. Le Spring : Nail Wayward Hunt (Nittinha Aeon)

GizzA - Pearl Set [White & Black] :  Necklace& Bangles& Earring (Giz Seorn)
UC_fringe_bag_purple_women_Vendor :  :: KUSTOM9 :: (unitedcolorsteam)

Location : Balloons by Cica Ghost