

-DRD- Neglected Kitchen - Set - : ~uber~ (deathrowdesigns) new♪
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Fridge
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Sink
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Stove
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Trashcan
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Wall
・DRD - Neglected Kitchen - Linked
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

Kei's Traffic Sign Chair PG : (keiko.zoon)

CURELESS[+] Love Food : (kaorinette)🍔🍕🍨Yummy
・CURELESS[+] Amore Pizza・CURELESS[+] BonBon Floats / Cherry Soda
・CURELESS[+] BonBon Floats / Root Beer
・CURELESS[+] Hearty Burger
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

hive // covered cookware set : (thehivestore)

floorplan. door backdrop / ink : (Tegan Serin)...5.3FLF

floorplan. privacy fence / ink

HIDEKI DEER ( 22 ) : gacha (Hideki Carami)

.peaches. Zonlicht - Mallard and Kiwi Bird Set : (imaginerabbits)

--ANHELO- M57CA-194GA :: still life (cactus) : (fk0724)

--ANHELO- M57WA-194GA :: still life (wagon)

*HEXtraordinary* Robin Redbreast Family 1.3 : (Corwin Lacourte)

Other items

Trompe Loeil - Tulia Greenhouse [mesh] : (cory.edo)
DaD -Climbing Ivy Summer Green -  : (sheerpetal Roussel)
Ariskea[Lavende] Lavender Pot:  The Epiphany gacha (diaxm)

West Village FaMESHed Gift (Box) : (warehousefifteendesigns)

Trompe Loeil - Tianna Corner Basket, Stool, Can Display :FaMESHed Gift (cory.edo)
220ML - Retro Car Radio : FaMESHed Gift (Jonas Acanthus)
*Celebrating 7 Years gifty ☛ FaMESHed

*These items include new items,The thing used for decoration is described.

I make my own notes m(_ _"m)

I'm not good at cleaning!
Would you like to lunch at my house?🍔🍕🍨
After eating, please clean the kitchen together ♪
 ァ '`,、'`,、('∀`) '`,、'`,、