

-DRD- Their Last Christmas - Collection : ~uber~ (deathrowdesigns)
・DRD - Their Last Christmas - Snowy Cabin
DRD - Their Last Christmas - Cabin
・DRD - Their Last Christmas - Busted Chair
・DRD - Their Last Christmas - Deer Lights
・DRD - Their Last Christmas - Dusty Deer Lights
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Events ♪

LB_AlaskaCedar Tree{Animated}*4Seasons : (Cari McKeenan) marketplace
LB_WildSassafras.v2{4Seasons}*Animated : (Cari McKeenan) marketplace
Little Branch trees are changing seasonal leaves.
 Leaves move.
 There are many trees in the store.
⊂('ω'⊂ )))Σ≡=─ dash GO to Shop ♪

+Half-Deer+ Snowglitter Swans [Set of 4] : Collabor88 December item (halogen.magic)
+Half-Deer+ Snow Tracks [Set A] : (halogen.magic)

Soy. Snow Covered Woods Set : (Soyoy)
Soy. Snow covered cliff and rock Set : (Soyoy)
Soy. Vintage Ski : (Soyoy)

HPMD* Cliff Hill : (sasaya.kayo)
HPMD* Fog Particle : (sasaya.kayo)
HPMD* Shrub - snowy : (sasaya.kayo)
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass04 - snowy green : (sasaya.kayo)

(fd) Cat - 10 Scared : gacha (Toast Bard)😸

*These items include new items,The thing used for decoration is described.
I make my own notes m(_ _"m)
In the cabin↓↓↓
I came to this island🏝️
It was a hot summer day.
I had a nice holiday to catch fish.🐟🐠🐡
I forgot the time and I returned to the cabin after the sunset.
From that night I was alone.
 😿"I will be waiting for my master"meow~~meow